Sweden vs Belgium


Yesterday, Sweden's women's volleyball team performed exceptionally well! Don't forget to catch their second semifinal on Wednesday in Belgium - it's definitely worth watching!

I am confident that you will take care of what needs to be done tonight. Looking forward to seeing you in Lund soon!

Yeah!! What a great game! On to the final!!

Sweden vs. Belgium


In an exciting volleyball match held at Sparbanken Skåne Arena, Sweden emerged victorious over Belgium, securing a remarkable 3-1 victory. The high-intensity game showcased both teams' skill, determination, and teamwork, but Sweden ultimately triumphed, delighting their passionate fans.

The atmosphere in the arena was electric as fans filled the seats, ready to witness an enthralling display of athleticism and sportsmanship. As a photographer, I had a front-row seat to capture every thrilling moment.

Sweden vs. Germany


I had a good time yesterday watching the match. It wasn't too intense, but Sweden showed their strength in a comfortable way. I like games that are challenging, but it's also nice to just enjoy the entertainment without getting too worked up. It was also great to see some new players show off their promising talents on the field.

Denmark vs. Sweden


To the team! Impressed to see how you play so well in front of almost 9,000 Danish fans. It was quiet as in a church when you scored and a deafening roar when Denmark scored their goals.
The Copenhagen audience was challenging to flirt with. The party atmosphere didn't come to life. The audience's most significant moment was the sing-along to Volbeats For Evigt!

Thanks for a great season! I can't wait until the next one!

Intensive period

March and the beginning of April have been intense but incredibly fun. It has much to do with sports, specifically cross-country skiing and handball, but also about finishing one job and starting another.

On March 16, I drove north to photograph the World Cup in cross-country skiing for the first time. It was the first time I would photograph cross-country skiing and the first time I would see it live, on the slopes, in reality. I must start with a big shout-out to the organizer, the Swedish Ski Games in Falun. Excellent arrangement and we photographers were exceptionally spoiled with our cabin beside the tracks overlooking the facility. There was more here than I expected: a workplace, internet, coffee, sweets, drinks and a guide who showed us the best places along the tracks.

Photographing cross-country skiing has its challenges, of course. There are a large crowd, trees that make for noisy backgrounds, and TV production with cameras covering every inch of the track that you can't get in the way of. And not least many other photographers, leaders, volunteers and others jostle for good places. It's also easier. Relatively plenty of space compared to an indoor sport and, above all, lots of lovely light.

I don’t know if I succeeded but I am thrilled with many of them.
— Me

Besides doing what I was there to do, documenting the competitions, I wanted to capture some images that are more me. Pictures that not every other photographer took. I don't know if I succeeded but I am thrilled with many of them. Mainly the ones before and after the races. I learned a lot and know more about how I would like to work next time. If there will be a next time, which I really hope!

March and April have also been intense handball months. Both of our elite teams have struggled to stay in the top league. The women's team sorted it out in the end with a nice finish to the season and although they may feel they went on summer break a little too early, I hope they are happy with the finish. That they take it with them into the 2023/2024 season.

Handover to upcoming profiles - Fredrik Olsson, Axel Månsson

For the gentlemen, it's not over yet. It will be exciting all the way to the last game. Our profile players will lead the way in securing a new contract in the top league and make a nice handover to upcoming profiles who have already knocked and stepped through the door.

Hard work

Everything from all photographers is the same thing, the same image more or less.
— Me

April offered an opportunity to catch our national handball teams, both ladies and men. I've done it before and the match part itself is harder to do well, and by well I mean creating my shots compared to regular games. During the game, you are locked to your place on the short side behind the extended goal line. You get a named chair as your seat and it is behind an advertising sign. This means you cannot be so agile and find new exciting angles as you would like. Everything from all photographers is the same thing, the same image more or less. Also, the referee stands in front of you regularly and you cannot get around it because you are locked to your seat. However, I really like before, between and after. My fellow photographers and I can create images based on our style and leave our mark there. It is exciting to see what others have created with a little more freedom in their professional practice.

Design and work by Sara Martinsson

March and April also offer Easter. For most Swedes, this means the long weekend and Easter break for the children. It's also a weekend when families get together and spring arrives. In northern Sweden, it can be fantastic spring and winter days with sun, snow and maybe fishing on the ice or snowmobile tours in the mountains. In Skåne, it is also a weekend for art and exhibitions. In our family, we have been bad at exploring everything offered for several years. We go to the village where we lived before and look at the fantastic art of friends. And with the beautiful sun on our patio, the Easter days end with something suitable to drink.

And with the beautiful sun on our patio, the Easter days end with something suitable to drink.
— Me

Evening walk with the dog - what a backdrop!

All well! ☺️

Sweden vs. Denmark


I saw no difference. I don't have that ability either.

But my feeling close to the floor, through my lens, was that there was no difference throughout the game, which is a positive thing.
By that I mean that the team played with the same composure, energy and smiles throughout all 60 minutes. From the first minute, when the team was behind in the first half, new players came in, pulled away with a few goals, got sent off on 2-minute penalties, or when Denmark started to catch up. All the way to the last minute! No difference. Denmark didn't stand a chance this evening.

A well-executed game in my eyes. Super fun to watch! Good job!

Men's Sprint Free


It must have been a great feeling for Edvin Anger up the sprint hill, where at least four busloads of supporters from his hometown created a lovely backdrop.
Unfortunately, it didn't go the way he wanted. Still, I'm sure that all the support contributes to some training motivation for next season. Great fun to see you on the track!!

Women's Sprint Free


Even though no Swede was at the top of the podium in yesterday's sprint in Falun, there was no doubt that we have the world's best ski team on the women's side.
I was most impressed when Jonna Sundling pushed up the sprint hill! Extra world cup points should be awarded for this!! It was unfortunate for Moa Lundgren, who looked so strong during the weekend but was such an impressive qualifier. Without the fall, it could have gone very far!

Men's 10km Individual Start Classic


The snow and wind increased when it was time for the men's 10 km. But Calle Halvarsson's opening warmed everyone up initially. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough all the way to the finish line.
An all-Norwegian podium today; big congratulations!

Women's 10km Individual Start Classic


This was my first time photographing cross-country skiing. Lovely experience and some snow in the air added to the feeling of winter sports. Taken care of by a great organization, I could simply be a photographer and enjoy myself.
In terms of results, it was not the top result that one always hopes for before the start for us Swedes. Congratulations Finland and Kerttu Niskanen
I can't help but be highly impressed by these superathletes! Of course, my heart beats extra for the Swedish skiers and I know they want more! And more will come!

Stängda hallar

Hej Sebastian,
ordförande i kultur- och fritidsnämnden, Lunds Kommun

Jag såg att du njöt av några av alla fantastiska matcher ungdomarna spelade under Lundaspelen 2022. Du var också prisutdelare på folkfesten när vårt landslag spelade i Arenan den 6:e januari. Jag gissar att du har ett litet handbollsintresse, att det inte bara är förpliktelser som kommer med uppdraget?

Lunds kommun har låst ute ungdomarna från kommunens idrottshallar. Det finns naturligtvis orsaker till att kommunen kommer fram till att man måste göra detta och de är säkert legitima men kanske inte helt relevanta i alla dess delar. Det som däremot är helt fel är lösningen.

I mitt yrke ser jag ofta att människor har svårt att ta ett steg tillbaka och se en större helhet. Jag ser ofta vuxna människor som fastnat i gamla idéer men framförallt att de försöker lösa problem genom att behandla symtom. Det går sällan att räkna hem dessa åtgärder i ett något längre perspektiv än det omedelbara. Min erfarenhet säger mig att kostnaderna kan bli magnituder högre på lite sikt men det syns inte, ofta för att de bokförs på ett annat konto i bokföringen. Ekonomiska dokument är ofta väldigt dåliga på att beskriva samband och konsekvenser bortom det digitala och omedelbara.

Att kommunens hallar fylls av ungdomar som vill hålla på med spontanidrott borde uppmuntras. Det är väldigt bra kortsiktigt för kommunen, en hall som används löper mindre risk för skadegörelse. Det ger också mening att våra investerade skattemedel ger oss kort- och långsiktig avkastning. Den stora vinsten för samhället är på längre sikt. Jag ska inte försöka räkna på hypotetiska vinster i form av direkta positiva effekter idrotten har för kommunen och dess näringsliv. Det finns många positiva effekter men jag nöjer mig med två.

Den första är hälsoeffekter både i det korta och långsiktiga perspektivet i en befolkning där stillasittande och fetma är ett växande problem. Enligt en prognos från Institutet för Hälso- och Sjukvårdsekonomi kan kostnader för fetma öka med 17 miljarder från 2018 till 2030. 17 miljarder!  Det är nästan hälften av vad hela gymnasieskolan kostar per år.

Sedan har vi kostnaderna för vad det kostar samhället när vi tappar en ungdom till utanförskap och i värsta fall kriminalitet. Naturligtvis är det inte så att alla ungdomar vill spontanidrotta utan det behövs flera öppna och välkomnande rum i samhället, men idrottshallarna är en väldigt enkel och billig del i detta och som dessutom redan finns på plats.

I en rapport från Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor skriver man att en öppen fritidsverksamhet som tar emot 15 000 till 20 000 ungdomar per år kostar runt 4 miljoner per år.  En gängkriminell kostar samhället drygt 23 miljoner under en livstid. Det betyder att om man kan hålla en ungdom borta från gängkriminalitet var fjärde år skulle den vara självfinansierad, säger Ingvar Nilsson som varit med och tagit fram rapporten.

Vad Lunds kommuns hallar kostar i förvaltning per år vet jag inte. Hur ofta de står oanvända vet jag inte heller. Jag har ingen aning om hur  många vuxna det är som sköter dessa hallar kvällar och helger.

Det jag däremot är säker på är att det är extremt värdeskapande för samhället att låta våra ungdomar spontanidrotta i dem. Troligen den bästa investeringen kommunen kan göra med dessa lokaler även ur ett strikt känslokallt ekonomiskt perspektiv.

Så min fråga till dig Sebastian! Är inte när du ska fixa detta! Min fråga är, när kan vi ses och tillsammans arbeta fram en plan för hur Lunds Kommun ska bli ett föredöme när det kommer till inkluderande spontanidrott. För våra ungdomars skull!

An intense year

So another new year begins. It's funny that we divide our commitments and promises so closely tied to this event. Why can't you start over on April 23rd or set a goal on August 3rd? I do the same as everyone else, of course, summarize the past twelve months and draw up some plans for the future around the last calendar day of the year. Just like every year.

2022 was a year about a few, but big things and the theme was MOVE. The short story is that we left the villa in Vallkärra, with the final goal being an apartment in Lomma. On the way, we had a stopover in the center of Lund. In April, parts of the family stayed in a hotel in Lund for a few weeks. I, our youngest son and the dog lived in our motorhome at a campsite in Lomma.

From the beginning of the year until the middle of May, most was about preparing us and the house for sale. Late spring and until autumn about moving and partly living in a duffel bag.

Another significant event was, of course, that one of the children moved away from home. No one took so much time and energy and more of a strange feeling. So the goal for this year is simple, not to move but live and enjoy.

The photo year 2022 may have turned out differently than I imagined it would. The plan was to have more time in nature, more days in the motorhome, and an exhibition in the fall with the year's pictures. It turned out differently than that; there were only so many landscape pictures and there was definitely no exhibition.

What it turned out to be, however, was a lot of dog and sports photography. There were dogs at work, dogs on show and dogs that were allowed to be themselves. On the sports side, there was a lot of handball, partly Emil and his team, but also a lot of senior handball and photography before and during the world's largest indoor tournament for handball youngsters.

The handball year ended this Friday, January 6th, with me being a photographer at the national team's warm-up match before the World Cup against Serbia. Not the best of games and indeed not my best work, but great fun and something I love to do more of.

I also had the opportunity to photograph a wedding in the fall, something I had yet to do and, honestly, had no interest in. But it was fantastic fun, and working with our middle son added a golden edge to the assignment. I like to do it more often, so if anyone needs a photographer, get in touch.

So what's planned for the year of photography in 2023? I'm moving the goals from last year with me. There will be dogs and sports, of course, and maybe a wedding. But the focus will be to once again run exhibitions. We'll see each other in front of one of my new pictures at an exhibition near you. Well met!

Sweden vs. Serbia


It's not in the first game in a World Cup you have to be at your best and definitely not in the first training game before the World Cup. So from that perspective it was an excellent game and a nice win in a packed, atmospheric arena.