Förlorad och återfunnen kärlek

Efter några år med Canon och Fuji är jag tillbaka med Nikon och det känns helt rätt. Då menar jag inte nödvändigtvis tekniska specifikationer och hur bilderna slutligen blir. Det går att ta alldeles fantastiska bilder med i princip vilken kamera som helst och det som alla märken levererar idag är fantastiska maskiner! Det som framför allt känns rätt med Nikon är hur kameran ligger i handen, hur layout och funktioner är placerade och inte minst på vilken håll man skruvar på objektivet. ;)

Nikon D750 - Mauritius

I den digitala världen är det framförallt två Nikon-kameror som jag använt flitigt. Den första på listan är Nikon D750, en fantastisk kamera som lanserades i september 2014. Kameran blev känd för sin exceptionella bildkvalitet och mångsidighet, vilket gjorde den populär bland både professionella fotografer och avancerade amatörer.

Nikon D850 är inte bara en kamera för mig; det är en symbol för äventyr, upptäckter och oförglömliga minnen. Jag har utsett den till min absoluta favoritkamera genom tiderna, inte enbart på grund av dess tekniska briljans, utan också för de extraordinära upplevelser vi delat.
— Me

I den digitala världen är det framförallt två Nikon-kameror som jag använt flitigt. Den första på listan är Nikon D750, en fantastisk kamera som lanserades i september 2014. Kameran blev känd för sin exceptionella bildkvalitet och mångsidighet, vilket gjorde den populär bland både professionella fotografer och avancerade amatörer.

Nikon D750 - Stångby

Kamera nummer två, släppt i juli 2017, står ut som en favorit bland många. Tack vare sin mångsidighet och prestanda var Nikon D850 en väldigt populär kamera. Denna digitala systemkamera var utrustad med en imponerande 45.7-megapixel fullformatsensor som gav bilder av hög kvalitet med enastående detaljrikedom och skärpa. Dessutom bidrog frånvaron av ett optiskt lågpassfilter till den övergripande bildkvaliteten.

Nikon D850 är inte bara en kamera för mig; det är en symbol för äventyr, upptäckter och oförglömliga minnen. Jag har utsett den till min absoluta favoritkamera genom tiderna, inte enbart på grund av dess tekniska briljans, utan också för de extraordinära upplevelser vi delat. Kamerans perfekta ergonomi och en bildkvalitet som fortfarande konkurrerar med de bästa, gjorde varje fotograferingstillfälle till en ren njutning.

Nikon D850 - North of Sweden

Nikon D850 är inte bara en kamera för mig; det är en symbol för äventyr, upptäckter och oförglömliga minnen. Jag har utsett den till min absoluta favoritkamera genom tiderna, inte enbart på grund av dess tekniska briljans, utan också för de extraordinära upplevelser vi delat. Kamerans perfekta ergonomi och en bildkvalitet som fortfarande konkurrerar med de bästa, gjorde varje fotograferingstillfälle till en ren njutning.

Vad som verkligen gör D850 speciell för mig är alla de otroliga stunder vi delat tillsammans runt om i världen. Tänker på vågsurfande under Sydafrikas strålande sol, där kamerans snabbhet och precision fångade varje ögonblick av adrenalin och glädje. Minnena från Svalbard är lika levande, med bilder av majestätiska renar i den arktiska vildmarken, fångade i perfekt detalj trots de utmanande ljusförhållandena.

Nikon D850 - Cape Town

Närmare hemmet har Nikon D850 varit en trogen följeslagare i Skånes lantliga landskap, där enkelheten hos en maskros förvandlades till en konstnärlig bild som fångar naturens skönhet. Och vem kan glömma de fantastiska upplevelserna vid ishotellet i Jukkasjärvi?

Nikon D850 - Jukkasjärvi

För mig är Nikon D850 mer än bara en kamera. Det är en reskamrat som hjälpt mig att dokumentera livets största äventyr och skönheten i vardagliga ögonblick. Det är den kamera jag har varit mest förälskad i, och varje bild är en påminnelse om de fantastiska upplevelser vi haft tillsammans.

Men som ofta händer i historier om förlorad och återfunnen kärlek, har jag återvänt till Nikon. Den här gången är det Nikon Z8 som har förnyat min passion.
— Me

Min relation med Nikon D850 har varit en resa av passion och upptäckt, men som med alla berättelser, kom en tid för förändring. Det som förändrade allt var inte en sviktande kärlek till D850, utan snarare en oväntad förälskelse i ett annat objektiv och kamerateknik. Det var Canon RF 28-70 mm f/2 som stal mitt hjärta. Denna upplevelse introducerade mig för världen av spegellösa fullformatskameror, en värld som visade sig vara lika spännande och innovativ, och ledde mig till att lämna Nikon - åtminstone för en tid.

Nikon D850 - Cape Town

Denna förändring var inte enkel. Att lämna Nikon D850, en kamera som varit så central i mitt fotografiska uttryck och så nära kopplad till många av mina äventyr och upplevelser, var en känslomässig process. Men utforskandet av nya tekniker och objektiv var en resa jag kände att jag behövde ta.

Nikon D850 - Norway

Men som ofta händer i historier om förlorad och återfunnen kärlek, har jag återvänt till Nikon. Den här gången är det Nikon Z8 som har förnyat min passion. Den kombinerar den älskade ergonomin jag alltid uppskattat hos Nikon med den senaste tekniken inom spegellösa kameror. Dessutom tände Nikkor 135 mm f/1.8 Plena objektivet återigen gnistan i mig, en gnista som påminner om den jag först kände med D850.

Nikon D850 - Skåne

Denna återförening med Nikon, genom Z8 och dess fantastiska objektiv, har återställt en relation jag trodde var förlorad. Det påminner mig om att fotografiska verktyg är mer än bara teknik; de är förlängningar av våra kreativa själar och partners i vår konstnärliga resa. Nikon Z8 har inte bara fört mig tillbaka till Nikon-familjen, utan också påmint mig om kärleken till fotografi och det eviga sökandet efter det perfekta ögonblicket att fånga.

Nikon Z8 - Lomma

2023: Ett år av passion, förändring och gemenskap

Ett år går till historien, och vilket år det varit! 2023 har för mig varit ett år fyllt av äventyr, personlig utveckling, och framför allt, en resa genom mina passioner. Från att omfamna nya möjligheter i min karriär till att utforska världen genom min kamera, har varje ögonblick varit en del av en större resa som formar mig till den jag är.

Att forma och vara en del av ett högpresterande team med fokus på vad som är viktigt, på riktigt! Att byta arbetsplats under 2023 var ett av årets bästa beslut.

Min resa detta år innebar bland annat en betydande förändring i min professionella bana. Jag tog steget att byta arbetsgivare inom IT-sektorn, en sektor som ständigt utmanar och inspirerar mig. Det var ett beslut som inte bara handlade om karriär, utan också om att följa min inre kompass och göra något som verkligen kändes betydelsefullt. Att få möjligheten att arbeta i en organisation där IT är mer än bara teknik och själva affären. En verksamhet där vi skapar verklig skillnad för människor i sina svåraste stunder, är oerhört givande.

Många mil i bil har det blivit under året. En höjdpunkt var familjens bilsemester genom Europa med slutmålet Gardasjön.

Mötet med Simon Sinek för några år sedan, och hans tankar kring "Start With Why", har verkligen burit frukt detta år. Hans ord har inte landat rätt där jag arbetat innan, där har det övergripande målet alltid varit att ge ägarna större vinster.

På det personliga planet har familjen varit min största källa till glädje. Att få vara friska och tillbringa tid tillsammans har varit oersättligt. Våra äventyr, exempelvis bilsemestern till Gardasjön med stopp i Österrike och Tyskland, har fyllt oss med gemenskap och skapat minnen för livet. Det är dessa stunder, stora som små, som ger livet dess rika färg.

Fotografering har fortsatt vara en stor del av mitt liv. 2023 var ett år då jag djupdykte in i sportfotografering, en genre som kräver skicklighet och snabbhet. Från att dokumentera ungdomsidrott till att fånga ögonblicken i en volleylandskamp i Sparbanken Skåne Arena eller följa handbollslandslagets VM i Göteborg och Herning, varje ögonblick har varit en lärdom. Ett stort tack till Johan, Hans och Stefan hos LUGI Handboll som gav mig chansen att utforska detta område ytterligare. Att under en period varit en del av LUGI Handbolls utveckling, att nästan på egen hand lyfta klubben från total mediaskugga till bäst i klassen, har varit en resa i sig. Hoppas de kan fortsätta på den vägen.

Fotografering kommer vara en stor del av mitt 2024, men kanske lite mindre fokus på sport. Fler natursköna vandringar och ett alarm som ringer i god tid före soluppgången.

Detta år har också varit en tid av att fira gemenskapen inom sporten. Att arbeta med spelare och ledare, från representationslag till ungdomslag, har varit en källa till glädje. Att fånga deras energi och entusiasm, lära känna personer som Lovisa, Perla, Adrian, Kasper, Ofelia, Filippa, Mads, Cornelia, Anton, Timo, Axel och alla andra har varit en ära. Att se våra ungdomslag, som Pojkar 14, kämpa och växa på och utanför planen, det har varit en påminnelse om sportens kraft.

Jag har även haft förmånen att vara en del av andra stora sportevenemang. Att få vara en av få utvalda fotografer på Skidspelen i Falun var en upplevelse utöver det vanliga. Att fånga Jonna Sundlings kraft och intensitet var en av många höjdpunkter. Mitt arbete för Svenska Volleybollförbundet och att dokumentera vårt landslags framfart i Golden League var ett annat stolthetsmoment. Damernas VM i handboll avslutade ett härligt sportår!

När jag nu står här vid slutet av 2023 och ser tillbaka, känner jag en djup tacksamhet för alla dessa erfarenheter. Det har varit ett år av att utforska nya horisonter, av att lära och växa både professionellt och personligt. Med 2024 runt hörnet ser jag fram emot att fortsätta denna resa. Mitt fokus kommer att skifta något, från sportfotografering och tillbaka till natur och landskap, resor och vandringar med kameran fastsatt på ryggsäcken. Men oavsett vad det nya året har i sitt sköte, är jag redo att ta emot det med öppna armar.

Tack till alla som varit en del av mitt år. Jag ser fram emot att dela fler berättelser, äventyr och upplevelser med er under 2024.

Ta hand om er därute så bjuder på ett lite axplock från 2023. 📸😊

Intensive period

March and the beginning of April have been intense but incredibly fun. It has much to do with sports, specifically cross-country skiing and handball, but also about finishing one job and starting another.

On March 16, I drove north to photograph the World Cup in cross-country skiing for the first time. It was the first time I would photograph cross-country skiing and the first time I would see it live, on the slopes, in reality. I must start with a big shout-out to the organizer, the Swedish Ski Games in Falun. Excellent arrangement and we photographers were exceptionally spoiled with our cabin beside the tracks overlooking the facility. There was more here than I expected: a workplace, internet, coffee, sweets, drinks and a guide who showed us the best places along the tracks.

Photographing cross-country skiing has its challenges, of course. There are a large crowd, trees that make for noisy backgrounds, and TV production with cameras covering every inch of the track that you can't get in the way of. And not least many other photographers, leaders, volunteers and others jostle for good places. It's also easier. Relatively plenty of space compared to an indoor sport and, above all, lots of lovely light.

I don’t know if I succeeded but I am thrilled with many of them.
— Me

Besides doing what I was there to do, documenting the competitions, I wanted to capture some images that are more me. Pictures that not every other photographer took. I don't know if I succeeded but I am thrilled with many of them. Mainly the ones before and after the races. I learned a lot and know more about how I would like to work next time. If there will be a next time, which I really hope!

March and April have also been intense handball months. Both of our elite teams have struggled to stay in the top league. The women's team sorted it out in the end with a nice finish to the season and although they may feel they went on summer break a little too early, I hope they are happy with the finish. That they take it with them into the 2023/2024 season.

Handover to upcoming profiles - Fredrik Olsson, Axel Månsson

For the gentlemen, it's not over yet. It will be exciting all the way to the last game. Our profile players will lead the way in securing a new contract in the top league and make a nice handover to upcoming profiles who have already knocked and stepped through the door.

Hard work

Everything from all photographers is the same thing, the same image more or less.
— Me

April offered an opportunity to catch our national handball teams, both ladies and men. I've done it before and the match part itself is harder to do well, and by well I mean creating my shots compared to regular games. During the game, you are locked to your place on the short side behind the extended goal line. You get a named chair as your seat and it is behind an advertising sign. This means you cannot be so agile and find new exciting angles as you would like. Everything from all photographers is the same thing, the same image more or less. Also, the referee stands in front of you regularly and you cannot get around it because you are locked to your seat. However, I really like before, between and after. My fellow photographers and I can create images based on our style and leave our mark there. It is exciting to see what others have created with a little more freedom in their professional practice.

Design and work by Sara Martinsson

March and April also offer Easter. For most Swedes, this means the long weekend and Easter break for the children. It's also a weekend when families get together and spring arrives. In northern Sweden, it can be fantastic spring and winter days with sun, snow and maybe fishing on the ice or snowmobile tours in the mountains. In Skåne, it is also a weekend for art and exhibitions. In our family, we have been bad at exploring everything offered for several years. We go to the village where we lived before and look at the fantastic art of friends. And with the beautiful sun on our patio, the Easter days end with something suitable to drink.

And with the beautiful sun on our patio, the Easter days end with something suitable to drink.
— Me

Evening walk with the dog - what a backdrop!

All well! ☺️

An intense year

So another new year begins. It's funny that we divide our commitments and promises so closely tied to this event. Why can't you start over on April 23rd or set a goal on August 3rd? I do the same as everyone else, of course, summarize the past twelve months and draw up some plans for the future around the last calendar day of the year. Just like every year.

2022 was a year about a few, but big things and the theme was MOVE. The short story is that we left the villa in Vallkärra, with the final goal being an apartment in Lomma. On the way, we had a stopover in the center of Lund. In April, parts of the family stayed in a hotel in Lund for a few weeks. I, our youngest son and the dog lived in our motorhome at a campsite in Lomma.

From the beginning of the year until the middle of May, most was about preparing us and the house for sale. Late spring and until autumn about moving and partly living in a duffel bag.

Another significant event was, of course, that one of the children moved away from home. No one took so much time and energy and more of a strange feeling. So the goal for this year is simple, not to move but live and enjoy.

The photo year 2022 may have turned out differently than I imagined it would. The plan was to have more time in nature, more days in the motorhome, and an exhibition in the fall with the year's pictures. It turned out differently than that; there were only so many landscape pictures and there was definitely no exhibition.

What it turned out to be, however, was a lot of dog and sports photography. There were dogs at work, dogs on show and dogs that were allowed to be themselves. On the sports side, there was a lot of handball, partly Emil and his team, but also a lot of senior handball and photography before and during the world's largest indoor tournament for handball youngsters.

The handball year ended this Friday, January 6th, with me being a photographer at the national team's warm-up match before the World Cup against Serbia. Not the best of games and indeed not my best work, but great fun and something I love to do more of.

I also had the opportunity to photograph a wedding in the fall, something I had yet to do and, honestly, had no interest in. But it was fantastic fun, and working with our middle son added a golden edge to the assignment. I like to do it more often, so if anyone needs a photographer, get in touch.

So what's planned for the year of photography in 2023? I'm moving the goals from last year with me. There will be dogs and sports, of course, and maybe a wedding. But the focus will be to once again run exhibitions. We'll see each other in front of one of my new pictures at an exhibition near you. Well met!


It feels like we just thought it was too late to photograph the sunset when it was a work or school day the next day. The sun goes down here in southern Sweden around ten during summer. Further up in the country, it is much later, and above Arctic Circle, it never sets.

Lomma Lighthouse, Sep 2020

Lomma Lighthouse, Sep 2020

Now it becomes rather stressful to manage to eat dinner before you have to leave home. Later in the autumn, you will not have time to get home from work before you have to drive to get to a location before the darkness has completely put the day away—also, there are a lot fewer days with great potential during the autumn and winter. But when you get those beautiful autumn days, they are often more rewarding than most other days.


Last night there was potential for a beautiful sunset, and I even stopped an hour after the sun went down to take some twilight photos, which was a long time since I did. I often return to Lomma harbor and the lighthouse, as I did last night. The sun goes down behind the lighthouse this time of year if you stand in the right place. The only ones there was a lone fisherman and me. No bathers and all the tourists had left. That is on the plus side.


After the sun went down, I turned around and photographed a small part of Lomma as well. I'm impressed with how well my Canon R5 handles low light and thus higher ISO speeds. But I must also say that the dynamic range of the camera is excellent. I do not know exactly how many stops there are, but I like what I see.



Gone on little mini-vacation when autumn rolls in and trying to push away the last of summer. It is still quite lovely temperatures around 20 degrees celsius—windy and rainy and in between some sun, and at the moments when the sun manages to get through the cloud cover, it is still nice and warm.

Råå Vallar, September 4th 2020

Råå Vallar, September 4th 2020

This weekend we have taken the motorhome to Råå Vallar and got a place right down by the sea. From the motorhome, we can see some of the ocean beyond the wall, which is a perfect place to take shorter walks upon. The wind protection it provides is appreciated in the end, even if the view is not what it could have been.

It did not look promising for a beautiful sunset Friday night, but we got at least a fantastic cloud show with lovely colors that ended the evening before the night took over together with some rain. So we ended this day inside our mobile house with wine, snacks and Yatzy of course while the rain was hitting the roof, only to make it even cozier.

Bua Harbor

We got some summer heat back this week, so Exor and I went on a little trip with the camper. The goal was Bua Hamn, just north of Varberg, where there are motorhome parking spaces. I had heard a lot of good things about this place but also some less positive comments. Everything comes down to what you want, and that is very much individual.

Krogsta 2020

Krogsta 2020

When I look for a place to stay, it's not just about the place where you park your motorhome. Nor how toilets, showers, the ability to empty the tanks, and refill water or access to electricity. All this is, of course, good, and if the place has it, it should work and be clean and tidy. For my part, I use the facilities in our car and am not so dependent on what the motorhome parking offer. If it exists, it is great but not decisive in any way. In several places, I do not even check what it looks like in the common areas provided. But that is me and certainly do not suit everyone.

Something important to me is the surrounding area and what is within a walking circle of around 10 km. I would say this is crucial. And through some Googling and studying satellite images, I had a feeling that Bua Hamn could be an excellent destination to meet my needs.

Other things I take the opportunity to do when the whole family is not with me are to see if the place would be the right place for all of us on an upcoming trip. And on that point, there is no doubt, Bua Hamn is a top candidate for our family trips coming up. We are a family with two adults, three boys aged 11 to 17, and an active dog. So we have relatively high and broad demands.


The parking space is a rather sad story if you think that you just pull out the awning and hang by the motorhome your whole stay. The sun this time of year also means that you need to sit with your back to the sea and look out over a large paved parking lot and on the horizon villas of various kinds. If you want the sun in your face, that is. I had parked with my nose out towards the harbor like most guests, and I can genuinely appreciate that view as a background when I sit and work inside the motorhome.

Dobforsport Exor

Dobforsport Exor

For the family, there are most things you need. A football pitch right next to the parking to run off some energy. A jetty with tables and also barbecue areas. If you take a short walk, you will come to both a sandy beach and a pier with a jetty from which you can jump. And perhaps most important of all, a good 4G connection for our mobile devices.

For me, Exor and my cameras, the place is also perfect. Many nice loops to hike on and many lovely motives to try to catch. I have to recommend Bua Hamn motorhome parking with a high rating, even if there are better places by the sea if you want to hang by your car and enjoy a stunning view. But if you have the motorhome as an anchor to make excursions from, this is a top candidate.

My tree

It was a long time since I photographed at home, but yesterday the sky was magical, so "My" tree had to be a model. I have shot this tree many times in all seasons of the year. Yesterday it was a good quick stop on the way when I was out on an errand. But there was time for some pictures with a long and short lens and some flybys with a drone. A peaceful moment in everyday life!

Canon EOS R5 RF70-200mm F2.8 L IS USM 1/5 sec @ f / 14, ISO 100 135 mm

Canon EOS R5
RF70-200mm F2.8 L IS USM
1/5 sec @ f / 14, ISO 100
135 mm

Canon EOS R5 RF15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM 1/40 sec @ f / 14, ISO 100 35 mm

Canon EOS R5
RF15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM
1/40 sec @ f / 14, ISO 100
35 mm

DJI Mavic Air 2 1/100 sec @ f / 2.8, ISO 100 4.5 mm (24 mm)

DJI Mavic Air 2
1/100 sec @ f / 2.8, ISO 100
4.5 mm (24 mm)

Rörsjöstugorna, Fulufjäll 2020

This Sunday evening, we arrived at Naturrum Fulufjjäll to take on all the packing and hike up to Rörsjöarna and Rörsjöstugorna. The hike is somewhat strenuous with rocks and a stretch with a fairly steep climb. It's not far so most people can do the hike, I would guess.

Rörsjöarna, July 13th 2020

Rörsjöarna, July 13th 2020


Once there, everyone except Exor and me got to stay in one of the cabins. They are beautifully situated between the two Rörsjöarna, and we were lucky with the weather days two and three. When we walked there, however, it was wet.

The cottage landlord is nice and competent and happy to share stories and tips. Also, he has a small shop with the most important things.


Exor and I lived in our tent because I did not book a cabin where you could take the dog with you. But we enjoyed it as always. Now we have tested our Hilleberg Kaitum 3GT in many places. It works beyond expectations and is reasonably in weight.

At Fulufjäll, you can have fun visiting Sweden's highest waterfall, fishing, renting a boat, or just hike in a fantastic environment. Down by Naturrum Fulufjället, on the other hand, there is chaos and a lot of people!

So I think you should arrive early or late as we did if you want to find a parking space. According to our cottage host, 90% of the visitors stay down around Naturrum and make short trips to the lower part of the waterfall. I recommend you hike up the mountain. Stay overnight in one of the cabins and experience more of what the mountains have to offer.


I still do not notice much difference in that we drive a pure electric car this year. We may be planning our stops in a slightly different way. But with five in the family and one dog, we need our breaks, and taking them at about 3-hour intervals is perfect. Now we have also driven on smaller inland roads where large players such as Ionity may not focus in the first place. But there are both charging spots with free power, and Bee has many opportunities to charge along the roads. So no problem!

Capturing cars is the hardest thing!


Many years ago, another photographer told me that she liked my style. You would think I took it as a nice compliment. But I felt the opposite; I don't want a style. I want to continue exploring this area, continue to develop as a photographer, and I do this best by exposing myself to challenges. Test different genres and styles, let me be inspired by all the amazingly talented creators out there.

My photography has mainly moved around landscapes in different forms, magnificent views, and intimate details. But I have also photographed sports, people, macro, animals, architecture, street and everything else in between. But the hardest thing I know is to photograph cars and have their lines and expressions felt through one image. Almost everything else is relatively easy when you get a grip on it, not because all my pictures are fantastic or even useful, but still. Car photography is a whole other thing!


I think the problem is that there are so many things that you have to take into account, so many lines, so many details, so many separate parts in the same subject. At the same time, for me, it should be more of a documentary touch. My creative freedom and to describe more of the feeling I had there and then is somewhat limited. Although, of course, I know many photographers who are fully creative with their car pictures. They have my biggest respect! When it comes to creativity, I am incredibly non-judgmental.

So when I got a new car now, I thought it was an excellent opportunity to practice. I wanted to capture the vehicle in different environments, combined with what I often photograph, landscape, and sunset. But I also wanted to test some techniques I caught on the net. Among other things, to photograph details separately and merge them into one in Photoshop. For example, it is difficult to expose the car and its powerful headlights to be good directly in the camera, so there should be at least two pictures.
Another thing is to light paint the car with a flashlight. I can already say that it failed utterly. I have to practice more on that.


Overall, I am satisfied with these beginner images, and the desire to continue training in this genre has grown. Maybe next time I drive off on a hiking trip. Then perhaps I can catch several things in the same composition, stuff I like—landscape, family, hike feeling with my tent and coffee pan. And Exor, our Dobermann, of course!

Have a great day, take advantage of it to learn new things, and see opportunities! :)

Kullaberg, Sweden

It was a long time since I was at Kullaberg, but the other day I drove there. The climb down to the sea from the lighthouse was easy, back up a little more complicated, and more difficult with full packing on the back. The sun may not have made its most fantastic appearance, but it was still a beautiful moment with good coffee. And a good workout, of course.

Kullaberg, May 7th 2020

Kullaberg, May 7th 2020